We Love God. We Love People.
Welcome to Set the Captives Free Outreach Center
a church family with outreach at its core. God has called us to “set the captives free” according to Isaiah 61:1-3. We believe that “ye shall know that truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). It is our objective to feed people with truths from the Word of God in every area of life, spirit, soul, and body, producing liberty, restoration, and wholeness!
The P.A.T.H. is our systematic process of maturing people in the Word of God and making disciples of new believers. The P.A.T.H. stands for Pointing All Towards Heaven. We want you to have the abundant life that Jesus promised in life and then enjoy eternal life with the Father once you leave this earth.
Pastor Linwood & Dr. Karen Bethea
Senior Pastors

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